How Handwriting Can Stimulate Your Decision Making Process

Writing with a pen is an excellent way to absorb information and keep your mind sharp. Studies show that taking notes and writing down plans by hand helps people organize information and recall details better than people who type the material. At the center of the handwriting versus typing debate are […]

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Master Your Time – The Unconventional Approach To Planning

Planning is a habit. I think most people would agree that it’s the most beneficial skill to develop. The skill of planning is simply a habitual process that we perform in order to achieve a given result: overall organization, good time management, and especially increased productivity. If you can improve […]

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The Underrated Secret To Staying Productive

Over centuries high productivity has become a major key to achieving big goals and being successful. No surprise it has also become the skill that millions of people aspire to improve. The problem is that folks usually associate high productivity with hours spent doing stuff. The harder you work, the […]

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