How Handwriting Can Stimulate Your Decision Making Process

Writing with a pen is an excellent way to absorb information and keep your mind sharp. Studies show that taking notes and writing down plans by hand helps people organize information and recall details better than people who type the material. At the center of the handwriting versus typing debate are the implications for learning and the ability to synthesize information to make important decisions. Below are some key findings that show that handwriting is not a figment of the past, but rather a powerful tool that can stimulate learning and aid in the planning process.

Handwriting Versus Typing

In the realm of note taking, there are two categories of people: those who prefer to handwrite their notes and those who prefer to type them. People who prefer writing by hand like the flexibility and ability to amend notes and add drawings. People who prefer to type their notes enjoy improved legibility and knowing that they will not lose their notes or accidentally discard them. In the world of colleges and universities, students are increasingly using laptops to take notes, with over half of college students using laptops in class on a weekly basis. This trend is also present in the workplace, with more employees attending meetings with their laptops in hand to plan and take notes.

The Impact of Handwriting on Learning and Performance

Research by Pam Mueller and Daniel Oppenheimer indicates that students who take notes longhand outperformed their peers who took their notes on laptops. Specifically, the students who took notes by hand performed better than peers who typed their notes in the following areas:

  • Ability to remember factual details
  • Conceptual understanding of the lecture content
  • Ability to organize the information

Mueller and Oppenheimer found that students who use a laptop to take their notes tend to focus on transcribing lectures verbatim rather than processing the information provided. This failure to process information impedes the learning process and can hinder the ability to plan or make decisions properly.

Typing May Promote Speed but Handwriting Promotes Learning

Many people prefer typing because they find typing to be more efficient. Typing allows them to transcribe information more quickly and accurately. However, the process of typing may actually impede the learning and thinking process. This is because people who type their ideas and notes are focused more on the transcription process and less on the material. Additionally, there is an absence of critical thinking and planning during the typing process. Handwriting, on the other hand, stimulates the learning and planning process by slowing the person down. While you may not be writing down every word that enters your ears or mind, the effort involved in the handwriting process helps to solidify the material in the mind.

How Handwriting can Reduce Distractions

One of the greatest benefits of handwriting, as opposed to typing, is the reduction of internet related distractions. People who use a computer to take notes or engage in planning face a plethora of distractions. Some common culprits that can break a person’s concentration include the following:

  • Incoming email messages
  • The temptation to surf the internet
  • The arrival of chat messages
  • Technical difficulties

Handwriting eliminates these distractions and allows a person to devote increased attention to thinking and planning as the writing process unfolds. The result is improved retention and ability to make decisions based upon notes taken.

How to Become a Better Planner by Putting Pen to Paper

Handwriting and typing both play a valuable role in learning and planning. While they each offer a different set of benefits, they are not mutually exclusive and can complement one another. While typing offers speed and professionalism, it does not facilitate the planning process like handwriting does. The next time you need to create a plan, choose a pen and paper to organize your thoughts instead of your laptop. You will discover for yourself how handwriting will stimulate your planning processes!

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